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Freemasons Foundation Victoria in its capacity as Trustee of Freemasons Benevolent Fund is able to provide financial relief of:

  • Current members of Freemasons Victoria who are unable to adequately provide for his needs.

  • Any person dependent on the member who is unable to adequately provide for the needs of that person.

  • Any person who is unable to adequately provide for his or her needs and who was the spouse, child or dependant of a Freemason at the time of that Freemasons death.


We do not replace government or other agencies' assistance and the amount and scope of assistance will be determined on a case by case basis.

Friends On A Walk

The Foundation does not provide relief or assistance for: 

  • Business Debt 

  • Credit Card

  • Gambling Debt

  • Bank Overdrafts 

  • Payment of Loans


An application for assistance must include supportive evidence and should not be discussed in open Lodge, however it must be examined for accuracy and be supported by the Worshipful Master, the Lodge Secretary and the Lodge Almoner. 


Any application containing unsupported, false or misleading information will not be considered under any circumstances by Freemasons Foundation Victoria. 


The Executive Officer of FFV must be consulted in all instances where an application for assistance is being considered. 


For further information please contact the FFV office at (03) 8535 4780 or email

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