Innovative Solutions to Today’s Problems
Wouldn’t you love to be able to solve the world’s problems? Or just be involved with a group that works together with the same aims to...

Reading Out of Poverty
We send our kids to school at 5 years old, back-pack on shoulder, lunch box in hand, with the faith that we have done all we can leading...

Fronditha Care Greek Homes
Freemasons Foundation Victoria recently provided a grant totalling $16,240 to the Gregorios Lodge 865, which when combined with their own...

Deakin University Nurse Training for CleftPals
Recently the Freemasons Foundation Victoria donated $3,000 to Deakin University to fund three, one year scholarships for nurse training,...

Columba Catholic Primary School
Children at Bunyip's Columba Catholic Primary School got an extra helping hand with their maths this week after receiving a donation of...