We might take for granted the skills it takes to cut, peel, slice or dice vegetables, but the kids at Yarrabah School in Aspendale certainly don’t! Thanks to a Garden to Kitchen Program, students are now learning how to prepare a simple meal.
Not only that, they have grown the vegetables themselves, in a garden they have cared for and managed in the grounds of the school!
Freemasons Victoria recently visited the school to donate $1500 towards the program, aimed at kids with a mental or physical disability. The funds will enable the school to provide the right materials and tools to build garden beds and composting areas. The school currently provides a small workshop where, under supervision, students can measure and cut wood and build worm farms – but the garden area still needs a lot of work.
“Once the kids have planted the seed, they learn how to manage the soil and weather conditions to enable growth, and from there they can pick their very own eggplant, cucumber or radish”, Principal Matthew Harris said.
A small garden area has already been established, and at the school assembly, students gave Freemasons Victoria representatives WBro. Ivan Harris, Bro. Andrew Dexter, VWBro. Barry Lewis and RWBro. Bill Morecroft a great presentation of what can be achieved in the garden.
“The next step is bringing the produce into the kitchen to learn how it is prepared into a proper meal”, said Teacher Nuala Butler.
Students were very impressed with the enormous dummy cheque that was presented on the day, one young girl commenting that it means a lot to them, to be able to keep learning about food.
“This Program isn’t just about providing a unique extra-curricular activity, these are life skills that Freemasons Victoria can be proud to have contributed towards”, Bro. Andrew said.