On Friday 11th December 2015, Chairman of Freemasons Foundation Victoria Bro. Andre Clayton along with local Freemason Rt. W. Bro Fred Treble presented a cheque for $7,000 to Maryborough & District Health’s CEO, Mr Terry Welch.
The presentation took place at the recently opened Wellness Centre within Maryborough Hospital. Also present were a number of Freemasons from around the Central Goldfields area of Victoria.
With around 100 births a year, safety for newborns will be enhanced by a new resuscitation machine that monitors pressure and quantity of oxygen delivered to the fragile lungs of any newborn suffering from breathing problems.
Fundraising for the maternity wing was started with a plea to Maryborough Lodge by SW Bro. Skyring, for help with fundraising after his wife Kim suffered a haemorrhage during childbirth, with second occurring some twelve days later.
Treasurer W. Bro. Alan Gell, assisted by Chairman of Central Goldfields Masonic Group W.Bro Ken Calder, formulated a letter of appeal with the call for assistance being distributed to all lodges and other orders of which local members belong to. This was followed up by a personal approach with donations coming from: Maryborough, Carisbrook, Talbot , Southern Cross at Maldon, St George at Dunolly and Avoca lodges, Birdwood HRA Chapter, Maryborough Mark, Gladstone Ark Mariners, Central Goldfields Eighteenth Rose Croix and Major Mitchell Sovereign Council 30th degree.
During the presentation, representatives of the various lodges were given a demonstration of the conferencing equipment in the Wellness Centre. Needless to say this gave a tremendous amount of satisfaction to those who assisted at the fundraising.
This very successful campaign shows again how much of a difference Freemasons can make within the community, and how it can also act as a traffic bonding experience for the lodges involved.