Recently the Freemasons Foundation Victoria donated $3,000 to Deakin University to fund three, one year scholarships for nurse training, specialising in Cleft Lip / Palate conditions. On hand to present the award to Ms. Annemieke Kidd was foundation Director Dr George Streitberg.
One in every 600 children is born with a cleft lip / palate, and CleftPals Victoria assists with the support for families and to provide information about the cleft condition. CleftPals is an organisation that understands what parents and families are going through, and wish to help.
CleftPals also arrange regular support play dates, feeding equipment orders, regular newsletters, informative seminars and family fun days to help support patients. They also lobby government on behalf of cleft affected families, hold fundraising events, inform and educate the medical and general communities, and support cleft affected children in Third World countries.
More information can be found at www.cleftpalsvic.com.