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New Piano for Victoria Theatre

Sovereign Hill were thrilled to be recipients of a grant from Freemasons Foundation Victoria to support the purchase of a much-needed new piano for use in the Victoria Theatre for their vibrant performance program.

At the recent official launch at Sovereign Hill, staff member Tim Corrigan had the honour of playing the new piano for senior Masonic representatives, Brian McDowell and Peter Bond, who were joined by Sovereign Hill Board members Jane Cowles, Annmaree Perry and Angela Carey and Sovereign Hill supporters and Past Grand Master of Freemasons Victoria, Bruce Bartrop and his wife Adela.

The new piano will bring much joy to many visitors, including school groups, when it is played in the pantomime and musical performances that are so popular in the Victoria Theatre. The old piano, which was over 100 years old, has now been retired from active use and will be re-housed as an exhibit in Sovereign Hill.

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