In the Melbourne suburb of Banyule, postcode 3081, a local volunteer-run group, the 3081 Angels, collect preloved baby and children’s items to give to local families in need. However, with strict regulations around prams and items like car seats, they can’t always use the pre-loved items.
Admiral Collingwood Lodge heard about this conundrum and set about fundraising to see if they could help and raised $1,000. They then applied to FFV for a Masonic Grant, and were awarded $5,000.
The $6,000 gift was met with surprise by Angels organiser Suzanne Crellin, who could hardly believe it. “It is actually amazing because we are not a group that holds out our hands for huge amounts of money and your donation(s) came, virtually unsolicited, at the perfect time.”
They received their first delivery of prams in July and explained that while they don’t have room to store as many prams as the money would purchase, this is to their advantage.
“This money will enable us to always have the backup of new prams and car seats when we are short. It will also mean we can provide a new specialist pram or cot to a baby with special needs as is sometimes requested,” Suzanne said.