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Freemasons commit $700,000 in flood relief

Victorian Freemasons will contribute $700,000 towards flood relief projects across the State, following meetings last night of Freemasons Victoria and Freemasons Foundation Victoria. Lodges and Brethren will be able to add further towards the fund.

Freemasons Victoria will contribute $200,000, while Freemasons Foundation Victoria will commit $500,000. These funds will be available to support flood-affected Freemasons and their families, as well as community recovery projects in the affected areas.

"The floods have had a devastating effect on the people in many regions throughout country Victoria, as well as some areas of metropolitan Melbourne," said Anthony Bucca, Grand Master-Elect.

"Our aim is to provide prompt, worthwhile assistance to affected Brethren and their loved ones, as well as to other people in damaged communities.

"One of the key tenets of Freemasonry is to provide speedy recovery to Brethren in need. I am pleased that the Foundation can offer this support to our members, as well as the wider community."

Rodney Lavin JP, Chairman of Freemasons Foundation Victoria, said that the Foundation and Freemasons Victoria have a strong history of providing relief to victims of disasters, most recently committing $200,000 to flood victims in New South Wales and Queensland.

“This is an evolving situation, changing by the hour, with some communities nervously awaiting the peak of nearby rivers and more rain forecast. Our first priority is to help people affected to get back on their feet and we welcome any contributions from Lodges or personally from Freemasons and members of the public. They can be directed to The Freemasons Public Charitable Foundation’s Disaster Relief Fund,” Mr Lavin said.

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