By developing strong, sustainable and supported Indigenous organisations, and by linking them with effective financial and pro-bono support, Woor-Dungin believes significant progress can be made towards tackling Indigenous disadvantage, promoting Indigenous culture and ensuring the vibrancy of Indigenous community organisations.
FFV has enabled Woor-Dungin to undertake the important work of bridging the gap between philanthropy and First Nations community-led initiatives. A Community Grant provided financial support for a series of on-country visits involving introducing representatives of grant making bodies to a range of inspiring Aboriginal community organisations, many in rural areas, working towards advancing the health and wellbeing of their people.

In February 2023, Paula McLeod of the McLeod Family Foundation participated in an on-country visit to Gunditjmara country (Southwest Victoria), taking in WornGundidj, Gunditjmara Aborginal Cooperative, Eastern Marr Aboriginal Corporation and Kirrae Health Service. As a result of the visit, the McLeod Family Foundation made a generous donation to WornGundidj’s bush nursery. You can listen to what Paula and fellow on country visit participant, Brooke Wandin, had to say about the significance of their participation here.

Off the back of the connections and relationships nurtured in the course of the on-country visits, Woor-Dungin has noted not only a dramatic increase in the numbers of our First Nations partners applying for and receiving philanthropic funding, but has also drawn new members into its network of participants in a range of other initiatives, including monthly Yarning Circles, Indigenous Governance Training and Grant Writing Workshops – all key to the development of a thriving Aboriginal community sector.
“The grant we have received from Freemasons Foundation Victoria has given a huge impetus to our work with mob across Victoria. The expansion of our reach and growth to our networks has meant that we have doubled participation in our regular Yarning Circles and capacity building initiatives and boosted the interactions and shared learning amongst Aboriginal community leaders and grant making sector partners."
- Woor-Dungin CEO, Kirsty Sword Gusmão.